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Driving sales with your code

How to increase sales?

Hello Ladies! We decided to make a mini blog for you guys to help you brainstorm new ways to make sales with your code. The more creative and authentic you are, the more interested your followers will be!

Post Consistently
This seems obvious, but if you don’t post about RC and your discount code consistently, people won’t know to use it! I try to post a pic of me wearing RC with info about my code at least once per week. Your pictures don’t have to be perfect, just throw up a tapestry or go outside and have a friend do a mini shoot.

              Radiantdreamer_sam WORKS her patio, and it shows in her sales!

Be authentic
Get creative! If your followers feel like you are just constantly advertising to them, they will lose interest. One thing some of the girls do is write a caption that is unrelated to the outfit at all, talking about a topic that is near to their heart. Then they will include a mini bio at the bottom stating that their code is good for 15% off at Rolita Couture.

Loana does a great job at being authentic and making sure her followers know her codes

Use your story feature!
This can get you a lot of additional views from people that may not see your post. Use the sticker, poll and question options to attract interaction to your page. You can share Rolita posts to your story as well, and then tell your fans to use your code in the added text!

Collaborate or pay for photoshoots
High quality photos are a must for Instagram these days, whether your wearing RC or not. I try to schedule a photoshoot at least once a month and try to incorporate at least one RC piece if not the whole outfit so that I have consistent content to post. If you can’t afford a photographer or can’t find a reasonable one in your area, look for local photographers who are interested in shooting you for free to build their portfolio. Be wary though, if its someone I’ve never shot with before I always bring a friend. Not only will professional pictures drive more traffic to your code, it will drive more traffic to your account in general and give you filler content in between festivals.

Heather  paid for this RC shoot for Phoenix Lights with Alexa for promo and content

Look for second hand RC
I always try to keep my eye on the sample sales Rosa puts out for discounted RC pieces, and in ravewear buy/sell groups in facebook for girls selling RC in my size. This allows me to obtain a variety of RC pieces and have variety for my outfits and pictures to keep it fresh.

Connect with ravers
This may seem obvious, but if ravers don’t follow you, it will be hard to sell them on rave clothes. Connect with ravers in your area, meet them at shows and follow them. Find ravers through hashtags or location tags and follow them, or comment on their pictures even if you don’t know them. IG can be hard to dredge through the inauthenticity to find genuine connections, so by putting a little work in you can not only gain new rave followers but make friendships. People are more likely to use your code if you are friends with them then if you are just another influencer they don’t know.

Renee got this shot of herself trading Kandi with a friend!